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Frequently asked questions
Is there a branch near me?
al waseet company owns more than 30 branches throughout iraq
How can i know and track the status of the order?
You can track your orders via our merchant software
How can i be held accountable?
You can request an accounting through the merchant application. first, go to the menu and then click on accounts, you can request an accounting with the representative or come to the company to receive your financial account.
Is there delivery outside iraq?
At the present time, there is no pickup or delivery outside Iraq.
Why do i get an error when typing the phone number?
When writing your phone number or the customer's phone number, please do not write a zero at the beginning of the number.
How can i send a free request to a customer?
The method of preparing the free order is the same as the method of preparing the regular order through the application, when you reach the box price, if any You have sufficient credit in the application. You can write the delivery price in the price field: 000 If you do not have any credit within the application, write in the price box: 5000 in the comments field, write: “Convert the price to zero“.
How long do i have to wait to receive my financial account?
The account is immediate. when the representative delivers the request to the customer, you can request an account via application.
Does the merchant program work on huawei devices?
The merchant program works on iPhone and android devices. You can download the program via the play store or the app store store, the program huawei devices are not supported at the present time because there is no play store on huawei devices.
Is the return free?
Al-Waseet company is keen to provide all services that contribute significantly to the development of... Your commercial projects in fact, today, through the electronic broker application, broker traders can receive reviews entered into stores The company delivers it daily without waiting for a long time, and delivers it to your locations wherever you are for free.
How can I request a review?
First, you must ensure that the order is in the “Return Store” box through the “Statistics” menu. located in homepage in the second step, it is possible to specify the desired order or all orders retrieved in the company’s warehouses from during selection select “All” and click on the “Return Selected Orders” option, so that you will receive a return within 24 hours of your order.
How can I modify the customer number?
When you receive a notification “Customer number is wrong” or “Customer does not respond” You can click on the “Process the order” option. a box will appear containing the customer’s number, through which you can modify the order phone number The customer and then click on send.
How can I add an employee to the application?
You can add employees by going to the menu, then click on employee management, then click add and it will appear You have a new page fill in the employee information, such as username, password, etc., after completing the customer information click on construction.
How can I edit employee information?
First, go to the menu and then click on the first section, which is the employee management section it will appear to you Your current employees' information: You can modify the employee's information by clicking on the employee's account, which will appear user name and password, click edit to modify your employee information.
How can I change my account password?
You can change your account password by going to the menu and then clicking on the personal page. it will appear for you page information like the username and password, click reset password.
What is the minimum order per week?
The minimum number of orders per week is four orders.
Are there explanations or educational videos for the merchant program?
Dear customers, you can watch the educational series on the merchant application on
Can I specify employee account permissions?
Yes, you can specify employee account permissions within the merchant application first, go to the menu, then click on the first section, which is the employee management section. information will appear to you employees you can modify the employee information by clicking on the employee account. the user name will appear and password click click edit to modify your employee information.